How can we scale tech coaching for older adults?

I’ve always loved spending time with older adults in my community. One of the best programs I’ve found, Dorot, has connected me with older adults one-on-one in my community in the Upper West Side of New York to coach them on technology. It’s been eye opening to realize that technology that I take for granted has such profound emotional value in maintaining connection for older adults.

Barbara*, a poet with a passion for Taylor Swift, sought my help in setting up a Gmail filing system to clear subscription detritus from her inbox so she can find email chains with her friends.

Robert*, a retired social worker, wanted to back up voicemails from his beloved wife to prevent the loss of their precious memories.

Sherry*, a retired teacher needed to learn to scan documents on her phone, so she could share articles with her doctor son and daughter-in-law who lives upstate.

I've witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of digital literacy1 - and the sensitivity required to teach complex and confusing technology to older adults2 . As I’ve spent more time coaching older adults, I’ve gotten more curious about how to more effectively scale tech coaching and better equip older adults for connection and community.

As I explore scalable solutions for tech coaching, several innovative services stand out3 :

Candoo Tech offers both one-time sessions and a subscription-based model, emphasizing simplicity in technology use for older adults, catering to individuals and couples alike

  • Founders (2019): Liz Hamburg

  • Notable investors: 1501 Health, Techstars

GetSetUp distinguishes itself with live classes taught by older adults for their peers, fostering an environment of shared learning and community.

  • Founders (2019): Deval Delivala, Lawrence Kosick, Neil Dsouza

  • Notable investors: Cowboy VC

Carevocacy provides a mix of private sessions and a text-based coach, aiming to ease the tech learning process, with an intriguing option of AI assistance

  • Founders (2020): Stefano Selorio

Comparing these services reveals a spectrum of approaches to tech education for older adults. Candoo Tech's model is versatile, offering both immediate assistance and ongoing support. Carevocacy introduces an AI-mediated text based coaching experience, potentially making tech education more accessible if older adults are willing to text. Meanwhile, GetSetUp leverages the power of peer learning, which could enhance the relatability and effectiveness of lessons. I’m heartened by the 2023 Medicare Advantage Organization (MAO) decision to require digital health literacy training - but it remains to be seen how this requirement will actually play out in 2024.

The challenge I see is building tech coaching for both scale and accessibility - ensuring that the tech coaching itself is neither too technically complex nor too operationally intensive. I’m excited to see how recent advances in voice-based generative AI may help ensure that every older adult can enjoy the connection of their tech-enabled Golden Age - regardless of their technical starting point.

1 Name and identifying details have been changed to protect privacy.

2 A report by AARP highlights that most adults over 50 prefer learning technology from loved ones, underscoring the importance of personalized tech coaching (AARP 2024 Tech Trends Report)

3 The comparison of tech training services is based on publicly available information and aims to highlight the diversity of offerings in the market.